Payment Terms and Conditions

Nightlight Christian Adoptions is a 501c3 Charity and donations are typically tax-deductible. EIN 95-2254634

Donations to Nightlight do not affect placement decisions in any way, per Hague regulation 96.33(f).  If you are an adoptive parent making a donation, please understand that this donation will not have an effect on timing, referral, or give any favoritism toward decisions about your case.

Donations to Nightlight are given with “no strings attached” and cannot be tax-deductible if they are designated for the benefit of a specific individual.

Payments for fees are non-refundable. This includes the application fee. Refunds are not issued because clients are billed as services are rendered.

Fees are invoiced for work done on your behalf; not for a guaranteed outcome.

You may direct billing, donation, refund, customer service, or other questions to

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