Allison C

Job Title: Domestic Family Services Coordinator
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Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 68:5 “Father to the fatherless, defender of widows–this is God, whose dwelling is holy.”
Favorite Adoption Story: I was adopted and never knew my biological father. My adoptive father passed away when I was 25 years old. My children’s father has chosen not to be in their lives. So I believe and I teach my children that our Father is in Heaven and He can love us like no other earthly father can.
Education: I am a graduate of Northeastern State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. Prior to working in the adoption field, I was a Child Welfare Investigator for Oklahoma Department of Human Services.
Responsibilities: I am privileged to be a part of Nightlight Christian Adoptions as an adoption caseworker in the Oklahoma office. I provide services to adoptive families as well as birth parents.
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